George Washington Military Service Awards
In Honor of Veteran's Day the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts presented Veterans with these beautiful George Washington Military Service Medals!
We extend our sincere gratitude to our Essex Brothers and all those who have served!
Brian Byrne • Timothy Donovan • Eugene Haley • Richard Haley • Achilles Liapis • Evangelos Liapis • William Linskey • Christopher Martin • Christopher Nichols • Charles Phipps • Robert Simoneau • James Sweet • Oscar Zepeda • Karl Zerfoss
Salem Haunted Happenings Grand Parade
Super fun to have marched in the Salem Chamber Haunted Happenings Grand Parade !
Always an honor to be visible in our community!
Installation for Worshipful Ramirez and the 2023-24 Officers!
What an incredible Installation for Essex Lodge as we bid farewell to our outgoing Past Master, Worshipful Tim Reagan, and warmly welcomed our new Master, Worshipful Wrbasy Ramirez .
We are so excited for what is to come under the leadership of Worshipful Wrbasy Ramirez!
Thank you to all the Brothers, Friends, and Family who made it possible!
Congratulations to Worshipful Robert Gonzalez for receiving the distinguished Joseph Warren Medal!
Could not be a person more deserving. Thank you for all you've done for our community, Lodge, and Masonic Brotherhood!
An amazing night of fellowship closing out our 2022-23 Masonic Year!
We were honored to award Academic Scholarships to worthy recipients, including a Salem High School senior!
We were also proud to be presented with a plaque from a Lodge in Portugal by our SD Brother Dossantos.
Brothers of the 9th District and beyond marching in the Danvers Memorial Day parade!
Lodge of Hydration!
July 25, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.
Essex Lodge is inviting you to our Annual LOH. This will be our 10th year and it will be hosted by our friends at the North Shore Music Theater.
The event will start at 6PM. The cover charge for the pizza will be $12.00 per person. The Broadway club will be open to purchase Adult Beverages and our Brother John Reid will be on site selling Hiram & Solomon Cigars
Please note, this is NOT a Lodge or Masonic event nor is it a fundraiser.
All money collected goes towards food and expenses. There is no dress code, and the event is outside.
Since the Bar is located inside, please refrain from smoking inside the building. Volunteers will be needed at the end of the event to help clean up.
There is plenty of Parking at the very back of the Theater with just a small walk to the Bistro. The Garden Bistro is located next to the Broadway Club.
RSVPs are encouraged so we order enough pizza since there is no kitchen at the premises.
For more information or to RSVP Text or call Bro. Tyler Espinal - (978) 594-7608
Private tour at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library!
Incredible private tour of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library in Lexington, MA. It was an honor to visit, see some of their rare collection as it pertains to the 9th District, and share the experience with Brothers. We were blown away by the invaluable trove of artifacts, books, documents, aprons, and beyond.
Special thanks to Museum Director Hilary Anderson Stelling, Collections Manager Maureen Harper, and Director of Library and Archives Jeff Croteau.
Additional thanks to Bro. Lanning Levine for making it all possible!
Fantastic LOE at the beautiful Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead.
Congratulations to the Brothers of the 9th District for a superb exemplification.
A fantastic night of Fellowship wherein we were joined by our partners and loved ones to receive two spectacular demonstrations. The first was from Brother Tyler Espinal, owner and proprietor of Buddha's Best Soap , who walked us through making scrubs. Second by Julie Bellinder of American Highlander Kilts , who did a fascinating talk about Masonic Tartans!
Fabulous week at the Lodge wherein we Passed two Brothers, were regaled by the nationally recognized Peabody Veterans Memorial High School JROTC, and received a generous donation in the form of proceeds from the Small Business Saturday event organized by Brother Tyler Espinal!
Essex Lodge Small Business Saturday!
Essex Lodge is proud to be hosting its first Small Business Saturday Holiday Vendor Event!
There will be 20+ Vendors and Crafters of all kinds, refreshments and snacks for sale, and a special visit from the big man himself, Santa!
Please join us for some family fun and holiday shopping while we support our local small businesses!
Essex Lodge Installation and Murder Mystery Dinner!
Super fun night at the Lodge for the Installation of our 2022-23 Officers and Murder Mystery Dinner!
Congratulations to Wor. Timothy Reagan for being elected to his second term in the East and to all the Officers and Brothers.
Special thanks to the Family and Friends of the Lodge who came to make the night so memorable, Bro. Wrbasy Ramirez for organizing the Murder Mystery and Bro. Jerry Johnon for the decor!
We've got a great Masonic year ahead!
Essex Lodge Receives the Most Worshipful Grand Master Robert Maggio and Distinguished Dignitaries from Five Grand Lodges from the United States of Mexico.
On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 Essex Lodge had the honor of receiving The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Massachusetts Richard Maggio, and his suite to Essex Lodge. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Massachusetts officiated the reception of visiting Masonic Dignitaries from the United States of Mexico, including four Most Worshipful Grand Masters.
In attendance from Mexico were:
Grand Lodge of State of Baja California
M.W.G.M. Armando Lopez Acosta
D.G.M. Alberto Angulo Verdugo
G.S. Arturo Nikolai Sevilla Covarrubias
G.C. Oscar Zepeda Peralta
Grand Lodge of the State of Nuevo Leon
R.W.G.C. Daniel Marcelo Pazos Vidal
Grand Lodge Occidental Mexicana of the State of Jalisco
M.W.G.M. Fernando Valenzuela Michel
R.W.G.C. Daniel Velazquez Garcia
Grand Lodge of the State of Veracruz
M.W.G.M. Jose Gabriel Benitez
R.W.G.T. Enrique Carlos Herrera Lazarini
R.W. Jose Manuel Benitez Cabrera
Grand Lodge of the State of Zacatecas
M.W.G.M. Agustin Aguilera Miranda
D.G.M. Flavio Alvarez Fernandez
R.W. Alejandro Martinez Ramirez
R.W. Juan Bosco Alfaro Huerta
In the words of Essex Lodge's Master, Timothy Reagan:
This day would not be possible if it were not for my friend and Brother R.W.G.C. Oscar Mario Zepeda. While in Massachusetts, Brother Zepeda has attended Essex Lodge and shared the stories of Masonry in Mexico. His dedication to the Craft is truly inspiring and heartwarming.
Thank you R.W. James Orgettas for your invaluable assistance in the planning of this event.
Thank you R.W. John E. Kelley, Jr. for assisting us with the protocol and setup of this event.
Thank you to the Minutemen for offering to present the colors at this historic event. The Minutemen in attendance were Captain John Wilder, Lieutenant Shaun Flanagan, Sergeant David Sister, Private Steve Dwyer, and Private Dan Llata.
Finally, thank you to Most Worshipful Richard Maggio and the Grand Lodge Officers who joined us. This was truly a momentous occasion for Essex Lodge, and it will be ever remembered because of your presence.
Worshipful Timothy Reagan
Masonic Scholarship Recipient
Essex Lodge gives Scholarships to Graduating Seniors going into trades. Congratulations to this student from Salem High School.
Essex Lodge Junior Warden, Wrbasy Ramirez with The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Massachusetts, Richard Maggio.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Massachusetts Richard Maggio with the Ninth Masonic District Traveling Gavel!
While I have your attention. Let's pay special attention to the gavel, more specifically the man it is dedicated to. His name was Wayne Dupar Martin.
Wayne was a very dedicated Mason. His personal generosity towards the craft and our Brothers was incredible. On the flip side, he never shyed away from a heated discussion and although he was loud and animated, always ended any discussion with a smile and a handshake. He was a typical Marbleheader, could be a little rough around the edges, but would give you the shirt off his back.
On one evening during a lodge dinner, discussion was started by RW Ray Kings about having a traveling gavel to be awarded for attendance at District Deputy visits. Wayne being handy in work craft, created such a gavel and presented it to the District Deputy and the District at a future visit. You could say we were one of the first to carry on the custom.
That's not all his hands produced. Wayne built all 4 houses he and his Wife lived in along with 4 others. A skilled craftsman, Martin also enjoyed making furniture and for a time owned Adams Cabinet Shop on Anderson Street Marblehead.
Wayne Dupar Martin was born in Marblehead, MA on Nov 8, 1938. He was raised in Philanthropic Lodge June 16, 1964 where he advanced thru the chair to Senior Warden in 1979. He affiliated with Wayfarers Lodge in Swampscott May 9, 2000 when Wayne, Wor. Bill Kelley and Wor. Peter Preble joined to assist Wayfarers in their officer line. Wayne was Worshipful Master in Wayfarers Lodge in 2002. He was also member in York and Scottish Rite.
While secretary for Lodge of Instruction, Wayne took his annual trip to Florida in April 2008 where he suffered a stroke that took his life the day before the couple's 44th anniversary. In honor of Wayne's service to the craft, the District saw fit to name the District Traveling gavel in Wayne’s honor.
There are not enough words that can capture Wayne's life. However after reading and speaking with people about him, they all mentioned how Freemasonry's central tenet of charitable work shaped his life.
"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." - 1 Corinthians 13:13
Brother Paul Woodley
The Roll of the Workmen has been called…
The roll of the workmen has been called, and one Master Mason, Paul Woodley, has not answered to his name. He has laid down the working tools of life and with them has left that mortal part for which he no longer has use. His labors here below have taught him to divest his heart and conscience of the vices and superfluity of life, thereby fitting his mind as a living stone for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Strengthened in his labors here by faith in God, and confident of expectation of immortality, he has been granted admission to the Celestial Lodge above. His Brethren mourn the passing of a great man and Mason.
We all have a teacher whom we look back on and remember fondly their quirky characteristics, and the inspiration they've imprinted. Paul Woodley "The Professor" was more than that.
This mad genius was the embodiment of steampunk. From engineering submarines back in his Navy days, to demonstrating his 1 of 3 Tesla coils, built in his garage, the man would come alive as he turned the gears of knowledge with Brethren.
Paul was Unafraid to speak his mind, offer opinions and still in a gentlemanly way apologize for it due to his unshakeable Southernly manners, no matter how many times we told him "stop that Paul you're in New England!"
Do not be fooled by his Johnnie Walker appearance. This gentlemanly scholar lived for stirring trouble much like our Brother Wayne, in fact they were almost accomplices. I remember him giggling as he told the story of his neighbors concerns not long ago. The dumbfounded look on their faces as he casually casted lead for a centuries old mechanical clock he built.
The clock still ticks in his living room and we at Essex Lodge wish he was right there ticking with it. Wish for more book club discussions. More prayers from him at the opening and close of a meeting.
Our Paul Our Chaplain Our Professor you will be dearly missed until we see you again in the Celestial Lodge Above
"Virtus Junxit Mors Non Seperabit"
My Brethren, the Roll of the Workmen has been called…
The roll of the workmen has been called, and one Master Mason, Wayne Culifer, has not answered to his name. He has laid down the working tools of life and with them has left that mortal part for which he no longer has use. His labors here below have taught him to divest his heart and conscience of the vices and superfluity of life, thereby fitting his mind as a living stone for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Strengthened in his labors here by faith in God, and confident of expectation of immortality, he has been granted admission to the Celestial Lodge above. His Brethren mourn the passing of a great man and Mason.
Wayne Culipher was born in 1954 and he was an Air Force Veteran. He joined Essex Lodge in 2004 and he was installed as Tyler in 2011 and he has been guarding our door since then. He was a proud member of the York Rite Bodies of Salem.
It’s with a heavy heart we have to say goodbye to our Tyler Brother Wayne Culifer.
He has suddenly and way too soon joined the Celestial Lodge above. He was quite the character and has been a fixture at the door of Essex Lodge for many years. He was posted at that door when I entered the Lodge 10 years ago for the first time.
Just looking at him made me smile and God himself never knew what was going to come out of his mouth. He has made some long nights at the lodge very enjoyable with his offbeat comments.
Wayne usually called me every week with a suggestion or crazy idea of how to improve the Lodge. No matter what I was doing, looking down and seeing his name on my caller ID and speaking with him put me in a good mood.
Some will say he’s in a better place but I must disagree, He should be outside guarding my door at Essex Lodge. The Lodge will not be the same without him and we will all miss Wayne very much
Dean Gilligan
Worshipful Master of Essex Lodge
Let me tell you about Wayne.
Imagine joining a new fraternity, a bit timid, and wondering if you'll fit in. You shake hands with new faces and try to be very polite on your best behaviour. You go to shake a hand extended to you when it swiftly pulls back and gives you the one finger salute accompanied with a mischievous smile. You instantly like the guy and know its gonna be a fun time.
He acts grumpy and grouchy, pushes you away as you try to be nice then his young spirit will wittingly roast you causing your eyes to tear up from laughing so much and that famous smirk appears on his face.
He always calls to check on many brothers and a well of information for newer members. A proud York Rite Mason and guardian at the door at Essex with massive dedication.
If you were a Junior Deacon he would keep you on your toes and pray to God you remembered your lines cause if he didn't make you laugh, the entire lodge and visitors inside sure as hell would.
Rehearsals? The best with his rebellious attitude accompanied by joking lines that will leave you in stitches and the sensitive consulting their doctors to see if an officer position is right for them.
We at Essex Lodge boast about having the greatest Tyler it's never a dull meeting.
The next meeting will be a difficult one however for the Sword will be missing it's bearer. The air, its lightness. The Lodge, one of its pillars that adorns it with strength and beauty that makes it glorious for Brethren to dwell together.
The next time we meet again we'll have to come prepared now that you're guarding the Celestial Lodge Above.
Until then Brother.
"Virtus junxit mors non separabit"
Brother Wrbasy Ramirez
A Labor Day prayer from our Chaplain Brother Paul Woodley!
"Holy Father, please provide us your guidance as we celebrate this Labor Day holiday. Laborers have changed this world, we hope, for the welfare of all. Time will be the judge of their efforts.
As Masons we should realize that everybody labors and we hope that their efforts will improve our world. We should not distinguish between blue collar, white collar, bureaucrats, or management. All these groups play essential roles in the completion of any goal.
We honor and respect the efforts of the great laborers of the past and their contributions to our world. We pray that our actions ensure the welfare of our world and of our children. Please bless us as laborers, that we may continue on your sacred path.
Greetings from the 20/21 Officers and Brothers of Essex Lodge!
Looking forward to a productive and safe Masonic Year.
In the words of R.W. Evangelos Liapis "Take due notice thereof...and wash your hands!"
Lafayette-Greylock Hill Degree
Congratulations Brother Felipe Dos Santos!
Big thanks to Lafayette-Greylock Lodge, North Adams, MA. for hosting this super memorable Degree on the Hill!
S.D. Wrbasy Ramirez and J.D. Karl Zerfoss accompanied Felipe to the Lodge and had a wonderful time.
In the words of Brother Ramirez:
"If you're familiar with the Essex Lodge Brethren then you are familiar with Felipe. Felipe has been a regular face to see during our social events such as the lodge of hydration and our book club for years.
Of his own free will and accord he decided to officially join us, begin work in the craft and was initiated in November of 2019. It's been rocky ever since between work, school and working with other lodges to fit our schedules. Then in March with less than a week before he took his 3rd, the craft and the world went into darkness.
However there is always light at the end of the tunnel. This past weekend the boys traveled 3 hours to williamstown and finally raised Felipe to the Sublime Degree in the middle of a corn field surrounded by mountains and Brethren from across the State!
From there the three amigos seeked passage into New York, Vermont and New Hampshire closing old chapters and writing new ones with their newly minted Brother.
Congratulations Felipe Dos Santos we're very glad to have you become a part of our ancient fraternity and look forward to your impact and memories that will be made for years to come YOU DID IT BRO!!!!"
Wor. Gilligan hosted the Essex Officers for our first in-person check in since March!
Wonderful to connect with Brothers and we're optimistic for the coming Masonic Year.
R.W. Junior Grand Warden Chris St.Cyr, his father R.W. Bob St.Cyr, and Essex W.M. Dean Gilligan rocking the Essex Lodge face coverings!!
In reverence of Memorial Day and with motivation Tyler Brother Wayne Culipher , Chaplain Brother Paul Woodley penned the following in honor of all those who have served and this great Country.
Thank you for your service and God Bless America!
Folding the American Flag
As we look forward to observing Memorial Day we should acknowledge the meaning and traditions of handling our American Flag, “Old Glory”. Old Glory is not only the main symbol of our country but also the symbol of the individuals that serve this republic. The symbolism of the individual folds of the flag shows our country’s belief in an Almighty Being and freedom to worship this belief as the individual wishes. The meaning associated with the individual folds of the flag imparts the importance of all individuals that serve their country. The method in which the American Flag is folded and handled is unique from other countries around the world. I know of no other country that folds their flag in a triangular shape. Most country flags are folded to a standard that specifies that a certain color of the flag is showing with no specification on the number of folds or shape. The history of our respect for “Old Glory” is not exactly known. There has always been a powerful mandate that the flag of The United States of America never touch the ground and be treated with great respect. The symbolism and meaning of the individual folds of “Old Glory” do not have an exact date of origin. It seems that they were written over a period of time. It appears that they were introduced in their present form during The First World War, a period of high patriotic spirit, but the symbolism of the act is from the entire history of our country.
· The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
· The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.
· The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.
· The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for his divine guidance.
· The fifth fold is a tribute to our country. In the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our country – In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right, and always successful, right or wrong.”
· The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of The United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
· The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and the Flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.
· The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.
· The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood and Mothers. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded.
· The tenth fold is a tribute to the fathers, for they too have given their sons and daughters for defense of our country since they were first born.
· The eleventh fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews’ eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
· The twelfth fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians’ eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
· In the thirteenth fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding us of our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust.”
After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes the appearance of a cocked hat, reminding us of the Soldiers who served under General George Washington, and Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today.\
The Master of Essex Lodge has been taking daily walks to keep in shape during this pandemic and has noticed a lot of trash on the side of the road in our communities.
We are challenging every Mason to pick up and dispose of 5 pieces of trash every day. We can make a difference one piece of trash at a time.
Please use proper precautions (rubber gloves or grabbers) while participating. Please post pictures and keep us updated on your progress (#essexlogema / @essexlodge )
Be Good be safe and be healthy,
Dean Gilligan
Master of Essex Lodge Salem
In celebration of Passover and Easter we share a prayer from our Chaplain Bro. Paul Woodley:
Heavenly Father, please provide us with your blessings and guidance as we observe this holy season of Easter and Passover. Under these extraordinary circumstances where gathering of friends is not possible, may our thoughts be with our brothers, their families, and their livelihood. Please allow us to help those in need and provide us the knowledge to support the Tenets of the Craft, FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY; so that our Brotherhood may continue.
We ask this in your holy name,
Dear Brethren,
As members of Essex Lodge we are united in our Masonic identity through a common allegiance to a belief in God as we each understand God. To be sure, we are composed of members who belong to various Christian expressions from Roman Catholic, to Greek Orthodox to numerous sects of Protestantism, to various strands of Judaism, to Islam and other traditions too. Regardless of how we might approach our spiritual lives, the season of spring brings together the Easter hope of new life common to all Christian traditions and the Jewish Passover memory of freedom from slavery and the faithfulness of God to God’s people. These two themes – hope for new life and freedom – are important to all faith traditions.
In these difficult times of “social distancing,” sheltering-in-place, economic uncertainty, and continued political squabbling that serves no purpose, may the following help keep us focused even as we are apart from one another during this coronavirus pandemic:
Hymn of Promise
In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
In cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter there's a spring that waits to be,
Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.
There's a song in every silence, seeking word and melody;
There's a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future; what it holds, a mystery,
Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.
In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity;
In our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity,
In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory,
Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.
The above hymn was originally written back in 1985 by the late composer Natalie Sleeth for a music conference at the Pasadena Community Methodist church. Shortly after its debut her husband, Dr. Ronald Sleeth a well known college president and former professor of preaching at Iliff Seminary in Denver, Colorado, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died only 25 days after the hymn’s debut. At his request it was the only song played at his funeral, primarily I am sure because of verse 3.
While Sleeth was inspired by Easter themes, the hymn she wrote was not necessarily composed as an Easter hymn and its origins are certainly Christian, nevertheless, its gentle lyrics speak to the broader human condition where new life and freedom are valued.
The first verse is about God’s great cycle of and affirmation of life visible in nature. With Easter and Passover generally occurring occurring in the early spring, bring nature’s rebirth to the forefront as a visual reminder of the promise of a new life and freedom.
The second verse is a poetic statement of the human condition wherein mystery, darkness, and the past are all somehow a part of God’s great and hopeful plans. As Masons we should be particularly attuned to mystery and to light overcoming the darkness!
And while the last verse is clearly evocative about the great Christian Easter hope of the resurrection, regardless of our faith tradition we can all embrace the idea that a renewed life and “victory” will be at the end of this health threat and things will return to normal.
At this writing we don’t when we will be able to come together again as brother Masons at Essex Lodge. But that’s okay for hope is always real – and though we can’t see what that hope is right now, the last line of the hymn encourages us: at the last, a victory, unrevealed until the season, something God alone can see.
Looking forward to getting together with you sooner than later, I hope!
RW & Rev Richard Haley
Senior Grand Chaplain
Member, Essex Lodge
I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Our Masonic Meetings are temporarily on hold for now. But Masonry never sleeps. You were first made a Mason in your heart. It is time to open that heart and reach out to all those you love. We may be isolated in our homes, but it is not time to just sit around. Use this precious time to get close to your Family and friends. Be grateful they are safe and a part of your life, Work on that relationship you may have neglected or taken for granted. Cherish the ones you love.
Reach out to all your family, friends and brethren. Make sure they are safe and see if they need any assistance. We have a moral obligation to take care of our own. The time is now, make it happen. If you know of anyone that is sick or in need please reach out to me and your brethren for assistance. We are here for you.
God Bless you all
Be Respectful, Responsible Kind and Safe
Wor. Dean Gilligan, Essex Lodge
What a night!!
- Worshipful Robert Gonzalez was presented with his official Past Master's apron
- Over one dozen Brothers celebrated their March birthdays
- Brother Jesse Jason was recognized for serving FIFTY-YEARS as a Mason of Essex Lodge
- Fraternal Visit by RW Evangelos Liapis
- Philanthropic Lodge accepted the Gavel for attendance on the Fraternal Visit
- Brothers of John T. Heard Lodge came to retrieve BAM-BAM
- Brother Donald Rideout was awarded the Mason of the Month award
- Finally we welcomed two new Entered Apprentices! 🔺SMIB🔻
Congratulations to our Brothers of Charles C. Dame Lodge, Georgetown, MA for coming out in force to become the third recipients of The #INTMIDATOR Gavel.
Brother Jerry L. Johnson, I.S.
Thank you Brother Johnson for all you do for the Lodge and Masonry as a whole!
March 3, 5:00–10:00pm
70 Washington Street, 5th Floor, Salem, MA
5:30 - Open Lodge - Business Meeting
6:00 - EA Degree - 1st Section
7:00 - Dinner and Fellowship
8:00 - Fraternal visit - D.D.G.M.
7:30 - Finish EA Degree
For reservations and information, contact Bro. Tim Reagan: / 978.210.6737
Congratulations to Essex Lodge's "Professor" Paul Woodley for presenting a terrific LOI presentation tonight about the Industrial Revolution at Amity - Mosaic Lodge in Danvers. Sounds like a sleeper? NO WAY! Not with the insights and gadgets galore. Here he is in a darkened Lodge room catching thousands of volts with his home made Tesla coil. Thank you, Professor, for a great night! Courtesy Wor. Jim Sweet
Trestle Board Without a Trace - CSI Solomon’s Temple
This 2 hour, 2 act, Masonic play by R.W. Elliot Chikofsky explores the Legend of Hiram Abif from the mindset of the 21st-century Television crime drama.
It has been used in Lodges and Masonic study groups as a focus for discussion on the meaning and lessons of the Hiramic Legend.
6:00pm - Dinner
6:45pm - Play (In tiled M.M. Lodge)
Contact Bro Reagan for reservations: / 978-210-673
February 4, 5:00–10:00pm
70 Washington Street, 5th Floor, Salem, MA
5:30 - First Section 3rd Degree
6:15 - Dinner and Fellowship
7:00 - 3rd Degree - Short Form
7:45 - 3rd Degree - Long Form, by the Kilwinning Club
For reservations and information, contact Bro. Tim Reagan: / 978.210.6737
Brother Peter D. LaChapelle
Thank you Brother LaChapelle for all you do for the Lodge and Masonry as a whole!
Congratulations to our Brothers of Saggahew Lodge, Haverhill, MA for coming out in force to become the second recipients of The #INTMIDATOR Gavel.
Another lovely night at Lodge with our Brothers from across the State.
Big thanks to Wor. Kevin Flynn, of Hiram’s Edge, for his fascinating lecture.
Hats off to Brother Peter D. LaChapelle for accepting his very much deserved Mason of the Month Award.
Congratulations to the Brothers of Saggahew Lodge, based in Haverhill, for showing up in force to claim the Gavel!
Fantastic night with Masonic Brothers from all over at the North Shore Music Theater for the Christmas Carol Production!
All proceeds of the event were donated to the To Show We Care Foundation. To Show We Care is dedicated to hosting entertainment events and encouragement programs for people who are affected by life-threatening illnesses.
Essex Lodge is proud to have donated an additional $2000!
Thanks to R.W. Evangelos Liapis for organizing this event and thanks to our generous Sponsors!
MIK Construction
John T. Heard came for the Intimidator…and we went back the next night and reclaimed it…left with Bam Bam too!
Congratulations to Brother Brian Wright, as well as all our brothers at John T. Heard Lodge for being the First Recipients of The #INTIMIDATOR Gavel, the traveling gavel program form Essex Lodge in Salem, MA.
Brother Omer Kilic
Thank you Brother Kilic for all you do for the Lodge and Masonry as a whole!

Another fantastic night! 63 in attendance along with the lady's making beautiful Christmas wreaths during the meeting!
Congratulations to Brothers Chris Nichols, Felipe Dos Santos and Ryan Davis on being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, may you continue steadfast on your journey.
Special Congratulations to Brother Omer Kilic for being the Mason of the Month, you're always there and go above and beyond when called showing great leadership and accountability, you are appreciated brother! and to John T Heard Lodge for winning the INTIMIDATOR Gavel! 🔺SMIB🔻
January 7, 6:00–10:00pm
70 Washington Street, 5th Floor, Salem, MA
6:00 - Fellowship and Dinner
7:00 - Business Meeting
7:30 - Masonic Lecture by Wor. Kevin D. Flynn
For reservations and information, contact Bro. Tim Reagan: / 978.210.6737
Brother Chaplain Paul Woodley
Thank you Brother Paul for all you do for the Lodge and Masonry as a whole!
Much to Celebrate at the Lodge on Tuesday!
- Brother Paul Woodley received the Mason of the Month award for the innumerable amount he does for the Lodge
- Wor. Robert Gonzalez who received his Two-Year Master's Certificate and (beautiful) PM Jewel
- Official visit by DDGM, and Essex Secretary/PM Rt. Wor. Evangelos Liapis
- Special gratitude and welcome home to Brother Karl Zerfoss who presented the Lodge with an invaluable gift of a Battle Flag flown during his tour of duty.
Open to all Lodges in Massachusetts!
SEVEN Brothers to Take It
SEVEN Essex Brothers will come Take It Back!
*Not eligible if your meeting falls the same night as Essex Lodge’s Regular Communication or during the Ninth Masonic District LOI nights.
Fundraiser in Support of the H.E.L.P. Program (Hospital Equipment Loan)
Two for $5
One for $1
Pick yours up at Lodge or Contact Wor. Gilligan
6:00pm - Business & Annual Meeting
7:00pm - Dinner - Contact Brother Reagan for reservations:
8:00pm - Official Visit by 9th Dist. D.D.
Brother J.W. Timothy Regan
Thank you Brother Reagan for all you do for the Lodge and Masonry as a whole!
Greetings from the 2019/20 Brothers of Essex Lodge!