Welcome to Essex Lodge…
Thank You for visiting Essex Lodge. Instituted in 1779 and operating within the 9th Masonic District, Essex Lodge holds a rich history of tradition, brotherhood, charity and community service. As we enter our 244th year, our rapidly growing and active young membership ensures us an equally rich future.
WHO WE ARE: A fundamental of Freemasonry is openness to good men of any faith, race or background. We are a living example of this, which is demonstrated by the diversity of our members.
We are police officers, clergy, lawyers, doctors, craftsmen, artists and more. Essex Lodge has brought together men from all walks of life to share in a unique brotherhood and create lifelong friendships that otherwise might not be possible.
2023/24 Officers of Essex Lodge and Brothers from throughout the State!
A Message From the Master…
Welcome to Essex Lodge
Our motto is together is better and it is truly the way we do things at Essex.
We are a group of men who enjoy each other’s company. We are dedicated to becoming better men and improving our lives for the betterment of our families, friends and the community.
If you are a Mason please join us on the first Tuesday of the month and meet some old friends for the first time.
If interested in becoming a Mason and joining our family contact me and we will invite you to dinner, answer all your questions and show you around!
Wor. Wrbasy Ramirez
Wor. Wrbasy Ramirez
Lodges of Hydration July 9 & August 6
Mark your calendars for the Essex Lodge annual Lodges of Hydration! The annual LOHs are wonderful opportunities for us to come together in fellowship, enjoy good food, and strengthen the bonds of our fraternal brotherhood.
This year's dates are July 9 and August 6, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Old Tyme Italian Cuisine, 612 Boston St., Lynn MA 01905.
- $15 Per Person
- Catered Food
- Outdoor Patio
- Cigar Smoking Encouraged
This event is open to ALL Brothers, Friends, and Family!
To RSVP or if you have any questions, contact Essex's Bro. Espinal who has worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition.
We look forward to seeing you there!
George Washington Military Service Awards
In Honor of Veteran's Day the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts presented Veterans with these beautiful George Washington Military Service Medals!
We extend our sincere gratitude to our Essex Brothers and all those who have served!
Brian Byrne • Timothy Donovan • Eugene Haley • Richard Haley • Achilles Liapis • Evangelos Liapis • William Linskey • Christopher Martin • Christopher Nichols • Charles Phipps • Robert Simoneau • James Sweet • Oscar Zepeda • Karl Zerfoss
Salem Haunted Happenings Grand Parade
Super fun to have marched in the Salem Chamber Haunted Happenings Grand Parade !
Always an honor to be visible in our community!
Installation for Worshipful Ramirez and the 2023-24 Officers!
What an incredible Installation for Essex Lodge as we bid farewell to our outgoing Past Master, Worshipful Tim Reagan, and warmly welcomed our new Master, Worshipful Wrbasy Ramirez .
We are so excited for what is to come under the leadership of Worshipful Wrbasy Ramirez!
Thank you to all the Brothers, Friends, and Family who made it possible!